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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The only real nation is humanity. Paul Farmer

 We are all in this together people.  "This" happens to be our Spaceship Earth.  No, no, I am not going to write about how to save the planet, have done it and will do it, but this is something different.
I happen to realize that our spaceship got a whole lot smaller over the past few years.  Things that happen across the world get to us in a few seconds.  THAT is a big change.
Last time I took a long trip (11 months) was about 8 years ago.  Now I am on the 7th month of a trip and I am just at awe when seeing the big differences in just 8 years.
Today I am rarely not in touch with my friends through text messages, twitter, Facebook and such.  And not just in touch, I can see what they are up to, look at their pictures and when in deep need of "having a drink" with friends we skype and have drinks together.
My point is, when we have so many tools to be connected, lets use them to make meaningful connections, to put out there positive, inspiring messages.  Imagine the impact of all this communication when used for positive things.  Imagine the Spaceship Earth interconnected with all of us trying to improve it, not just the "spaceship" but the lives of all on board.  Now KNOW, that dream can come true.  In every interaction., literal or virtual, lets put our best intention out there.
We WILL change the world.  Join me.

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