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Thursday, January 21, 2010


Midnight ramblings.  I cannot, ever, get over the LOVE that is in this world.  I know, I know, you can always point out to me the hate and the wars and the tragedies.  However I will point out to you the love in your life, and mine and his and hers.
It is an overwhelming thing when you realize that there are people that care for you, think of you, hope for you.  As times goes by I have learned to understand that a) you are not obligated to love me and b) damn, I am a hard person to love.
I am aware of my flaws, many of them and the more I work on being a better person, the more I wonder why have people put up with me for so long.  Love comes in and whispers to me and tells me that you have done all that because you love me.
I have met a lot of people in my life in different countries, cultures, situations.  I have made it a point to treat each as a long lost friend.  I was just raised that way.  However, I now think that it was all of you all along treating me as a long lost friend, I was at the receiving end of the love fest.
I thank you for it.
Many things have happened in my life, good and bad, ugly and not, happy and sad.  I was reading a journal I wrote about 10 years ago, when I was seriously considering suicide and was constantly walking around followed by a gray cloud.  I read it and thought "what was I thinking?" and the answer is: I wasn't.  At the time that was my reality, despair, unhappiness and no light at the end of the tunnel. 
Now my reality is so different.  I am full of hope, full of joy and eating a big, tasty piece of HUMBLE pie.  I am loosing myself trying to help and love others and who knew? by doing this I am finding myself and my bliss.
If you know me, have no hesitation: I LOVE YOU.  If you don't know me, have no hesitation: I WILL LOVE YOU.
Now, pass it around.


  1. We do love you. I hope to live so that those around me feel Loved at all times. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I think every1 has had dark times where the light seems lost- I am happy you have found your light and thank you for sharing it with all-you are loved and are love ;0)
