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Saturday, February 11, 2012

But above this, I wish you LOVE.

As the rest of the mortals in this world I am shocked and saddened about Whitney Houston's death.  I remember being on my bike and having a CD of The Body Guard as I raced through hills and just tried to understand that the voice I heard was actually human.  What. A. Talent.
Then I grew up, still with so much respect for Whitney and realizing sometimes great talents came with a big bag of WTF.
As I grew as a person with my own demons to fight I took the 'I shall not judge' stance.
I've lost over 5 close friends, to diseases, called drug addiction or depression.  I alsmot lost myself in the mix. Yet I had friends hell-bent on not seeing me dead, and they succeeded. Today, we hear the sad news that Whitney Houston died.  I can't help but to wonder, how many of the people tweeting/FBking about that have reached out to their close friends and family and said: Are you OK?
I am sad along everyone else on this planet that enjoyed and appreciated Whitney's talent, however, if your friend is not a celebrity, are you as willing to lend your support?
I LOVE. LOVE SAVES (it has saved me)  It is hard and heartbreaking to share condolences, but apparently is harder to go to those you love and say: 'hey, it's ok, we WILL get through this together! I love you unconditionally.'
In this time and age when everything goes viral I BEG of you to help me make LOVE go viral. Tell those around you how much you love them, encourage them to do the same.  We are NOT Whitney, but we are all LOVE worth.
Please, SHARE the LOVE.

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