And can we stick to the word "punani", sounds like an exotic destination, a mysterious place you are going to, full of wonder and excitement, pretty accurate if you ask me. Any other names/nick-names for your island of wonder, just won't cut it in my book.
Va-jay-jay just sounds like a creepy clown of a dead beat circus, don't care what Oprah say, that term must go.
I think we forget that just because of the vagina women are creatures that us men will never understand or compare to. Imagine us, men, bleeding once a month, psh, we would be in the hospital for the whole duration of the period, crying of pain because of the cramps, calling our mummys to be with us and fainting at the sight of blood.
Then you have giving birth....forget it. That's like an alien exploding into the world in a whole mess of blood, placenta, random liquids...neah, we would need to be put under fully and have many years of therapy. Not to mention that every time we would see our off-spring we would hatefully remind them how they "crippled" us for life.
So, I am the one to say it: women ARE better, MUCH BETTER. And yes, its due to their vaginae and all sort of miracles that happen there.
Because of what happens "in there" we are also a bit suspicious. We don't know what the hell is going on in there. Its not like our magic wand where everything happens out there, in the open, for everyone to see (sometimes in embarrassing situations.)
Women (and their vaginae) should at all times be treated with the utmost respect. PROVIDED women treat themselves and their magic box with such respect. Let's be honest, some women used their "sacred punani" (see? it sounds mystical) as a cheap booth in a dilapidated, travelling amusement park. For a small fee (whether it's a drink/clothes/etc) anyone gets a turn to play. That it's just nasty, don't expect me to respect that.
So @LynziePretty, there you have it.
LMAO well put Pablo! I like the term u used it does sound much better but I had never heard it before....Ah well there is much I do not know ;0). I will say some males are very against maps and think they "know" what they are doing when really it isn't doing much of anything. I think ladies can admit they know some things but not everything on the males end. It works best if you learn what your partner prefers as it may be sooo different from the last partner. In terms of those people who do not respect their bodies the same goes for some males. Anyone who does not have self respect and willingly sells their goods for retail is hard pressed to be respected by anyone.