I do know that in this very blog I have seemed to used 3 different font sizes and a couple font types and I am not even near Mexico.
But let's get real people. Almost everyone at one point or another has done drugs and I live in a glass house so I am not about to throw the first stone (or brick as the case might be).
Sometimes when people talk to me I have the impression that they are high on something, really, there's a lot of shit being said that makes no sense and all I can do is try not to laugh. But as I have said many time I am not running for Jesus, so I don't judge, it's just that sometimes I just have no idea what you are talking about.
Even then, I like to think that people speak their own language and when I don't understand I just need to learn that language and we will be golden.
As we speak, you probably you have no idea what I am saying. It doesn't matter, even if you feel like you've been pissed by a herd of elephants, its all good.
Wherever you are, you are good, so am I. Put on a good tune, relax, we are good, even without the drugs.
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