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Friday, August 7, 2009

Mirrors & hospitals

It has been brought to my attention that there's usually no mirrors in patients hospital bathrooms.  Last time I was in a hospital I was too much of a hot mess to remember any of it, I guess when you are in a comma things become hazy to say the least.  So I can't really say because I don't know.  But I invite you to go/call your closest hospital and ask if the patients rooms have mirrors or the bathrooms....wait, that might be misconstrued, unless of course you call a mental hospital and they might encourage you to check in.
Seriously, this is something I want to know.  If I was in the hospital for a brief period of time for something other than a comma (however I tend to do everything to the extreme) I would like a mirror in my bathroom.
Years ago, my wise mother was going through a rough patch in her life, she was getting a divorce from my dad and was not at her best to say the least.  However, the thing that intrigued me for a while, was that every time she went out "to the world" she would do her make up and dress up like she was about to go on a photo shoot for "Vogue."  The contradiction confused me.  She could be a royal mess, cry, be sad/mad/etc, yet before she was to go out, she would shower and come out of the bathroom looking like a million dollars (back then the dollar was strong, if it was now I would say she looked like a million Euros.)
So, one time I sat on her bed while she was putting her "face" on and asked her what the hell she did that for.  She put her mascara down, looked straight at me through the mirror and said:" the worse you feel, the better you have to look."  I got up and wanted to call a doctor because I was certain she had lost it.
However, over the years I have realized how wise that was.  When you are down (whether is physically or emotionally) and you look like shit and go out to the world, people will tell you:"you look like shit" or with concern ask you:"why do you look like shit?"  Which in turn reminds you why you are like you are and make you feel even worse. Bad catch 22.  
So, if I am in the hospital/sad/depressed/hot mess, I turn it around and look like a million euros.  Then people tell me how great I look and makes me feel better.
So  if hospitals don't have mirrors because they are afraid patients will feel worse at how they look, well, turn it around, light the place up, have your nurses help your patients dress up and put them in front of a mirror:"why yes, you are sick but it must not be that bad, look how great you look." It's amazing what positive reinforcement does.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I called my friend and the hospitals do have bathrooms except mental hospitals due to safety reasons
