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Sunday, August 2, 2009


I just realized that I no longer have finger nails as much  as I have claws, something must be done about it.  Either I get the old finger nail clippers or try to grow fangs & rock the tormented vampire look.  However that vampire thing it's getting out of control, so I will just clip them, never been much of a follower.
As you have figured it out by now this is going to be a non-sense rambling that might, or might not go anywhere.  What do you want? it's a lazy Sunday, cut me some slack (and my finger nails while you are at it.)
The sun can't make up its mind, whether it wants to stay or go back and hide behind a cloud, it's being a little bitch in other words.
I have had plenty of coffee, went for the usual walk, let my mind wonder.  Sometimes I think we all should have a random day where nothing is planned, nothing is expected and we let things happen.  I've always been weary of people that plan every single day, every single month and year of their life.  Let me let you in a secret: planning is good, but if you plan EVERYTHING there will be no time for life to surprise you.  So, allow some time in your life where you know the unexpected will happen, where surprises will be welcomed, where you will remember what it's like to be a kid again.
Today is that day for me and I keep on picking different days.  Each one I have learned something, I have been surprised by someone or something.  From a great find in a flea market I stumbled upon, to life changing discoveries in my journey, it's all there.
Open the door to the unknown and let life surprise you.

1 comment:

  1. LOL well step 1 is to trim ur claws as I continue reading your blog ;0)p. Fun and the moral of the story here really is true!
