I realize I am a lucky/blessed person. I am loved and love intensely. There are people in my life that are instrumental in "waking me up" every day and reminding me that reality is what I make of it. I choose to make my reality one where positiveness, love, hope, kindness are the common denominator. Doing this I bring people with similar perspective in my life and it makes it a paradise.
Don't get me wrong, i have challenges and issues as well. However it's different to face challenges when you know they are small wrinkles in an otherwise perfect fabric of life.
Today is "friendship day" in Uruguay and I feel blessed to have the best friends and I do my best to honor those friendships.
Regardless the place, the country, the geography, we all want the same. We want love, we want peace, we want shelter.
Some of us are lucky to have those essential things that are our innate rights. Lots of us do not have those privileges. We need to start thinking of "us" a big family. Not of "us" and "them". We are all in this together. Let's share our wealth with the rest of our world family that is not so lucky.
Very true