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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nothing or Everything, all at once and then some.

I am completely out of whack (what's new?)  Finished reading "The Hunger Games" which it's an amazing book that totally fu*&#ed with my mind and left me thinking and wondering and in awe and revolted at the same time.  It's "purely" fictional and I use quotation marks because it is fiction but the kind that is grounded on reality and amplified, yet the kind that it's around the corner waiting to happen, sort of.  I absolutely hate it when I end up talking like I just did, like I know something, because I don't.
I am proud to say I know very little, to say otherwise would be a big fat lie, you can remind me later, print this out and shove it on my face if I ever tell you:"listen, I know....(shove print copy of this now and shut me up.)
The things to know:
 a) are first thing to discover, I don't want to know what a society thinks I need to know, let me discover it myself.  Hence, since I am still trying to discover what's important for me to know, I don't know much.
b) things, facts, places, etc, change on a daily basis.  The only constant is change, so I do not want to "hold" knowledge from elementary school because that shit might be obsolete.  So I am not going to check my facts every day, I made the conscious choice of "holding" on to very few pieces of knowledge and check on those often. My ADD my have something to do with that but that's another story.
Those of you thinking that now I've started this blog you would be hearing/seeing more about my trip (I include myself in that as it was my intention when starting this): sorry to disappoint.  I am sure you did not expect this ramblings.
Part of why I don't write much about the trip is because I am bitter that globalization has taken so much away and made us all Starbucks/BurgerKing/Gap/Subway bitches around the world.  Yes I am seeing new places, different architecture (golden arches on top of a 130 French designed building? wtf?) but over all we are frighteningly looking like each other, regardless where in the world you go/live.  So I am sitting this one through for a while.  I do not want to be like everyone or dress like everyone or just be another one.  I want my individuality, damn it.
So I am a bit bitter.  Deal, for a moment.  But seriously, think about it.  How different are you from the person next to you? I hope a shit lot.  And if you realize that, why try so hard to fit in? thanks but I'll pass.  


  1. It's funny I was just asked 2 leave my last Grad School B/C I didn't look like the other students, I didn't go out and play/drink with them and in general I do not fit into the box. I was given the option of learning their box and fitting in or leaving. I chose to find a school that would take my late application..I applied 6 months after the deadline..but THEY TOOK ME ;0) Amazing isn't it? Anyway I have always just be me-and who "me" is changes but it has never been 2 be like everyone else. I think it is scary that my last grad program everyone wore Holister and GAP clothes and all had blond hair real or dyed and they even had the same thoughts and opinions! Then there was me who wore whatever I liked in fashion or not it never affected me and my opinions differ from theres but they had hope I do have naturally Blond hair LOL. Sorry I seem to have taken over ur blog here...oops it's just 1 of those topics that really gets me

  2. Ok Pablo. Here is something hard for me. I might easily fall into your "gap/subway" bitches column because I dress a certain way or live a certain life. I might be quite like other people you come across regularly. I like my life and I don't mind how I look, but I don't enjoy people thinking they know what I think or believe. I like to be a little outside the box and have a hard time when I put in a peg because of how I dress or don't, what I eat or won't, or even more disheartening, what I believe and how I live my life. You brought up a good point, we are all individuals, I just wish some people gave me more credit for being such. I am a mom, but I am SO much more and hope to never be considered to be "trying to fit in" Love you man, I hope you can see us for more than a few folks in the masses. ;)
