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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's my birthday, I can change the world if I want to.

So help me!!! Today: 5 de mayo, on the 7th, my birthday, coincidence? Probably not.  I would like to think my mom was really hoping she could have a shot of Patron on the 5th and it just dragged a bit too long because I was putting my best face to be greeted by the world.  If you know me, the chance of that happening is rather high.

Over the years I have learned to make my own definition of what a birthday means to me, like with everything else in life.  I am seriously taking the time to not agree with definitions given to me (when I had no input) and making my own.
If you could read my journals, (right after you were discussed by my behavior) you would find a pattern. Its been a long time since I refer to my birthdays or years in my life by a number: it's just too impersonal.  Instead you will find: the year of the acne revenge, the year of feeling like a hurricane, the year of deep depression, the year of hope and so forth.  Some years are named after the things experienced and some were named after the things I would hope for.  Last year was the year of the challenge.  It was a year when I dropped my life as I knew it, bought a plane ticket and went into the world to learn, experience and be challenged.
As my birthday approaches, do not ask me how old I am turning, instead, ask me "what's this year for?"  The momentum I've gained and the place where I am in life have already defined this next year of my life that will start on Friday: THE YEAR OF THE ARMOR.

What the hell does that mean?  Well, it means its the year I am putting on the armor of love, kindness and hope I have been building this past year of the challenge and I am going out to battle.  The year of the challenge, did just that, challenged me.  Challenged my commitment to love, to the things I believe in, the things I personally want to do to make a difference.  While being challenged, day by day, I slowly built an armor, an armor of conviction, love, hope and all positive.  Starting Friday, on the anniversary of my birth, I will wear that armor and enjoy "the year of the armor" going out there, being a voice to those that have none, loving those that feel no love, hoping upon hope that the changes I want to see in the world are manifested on my behavior first.
This is not an armor to protect me from outside forces, I carry that with me all the time.  This armor is to remind me, inspire me, strengthen me and guide me on this path.  This armor is all of you, with your thoughts, your love, your positive influence.  I always say: people do not think of us because we exist, on the other hand we exist because people think of us.  There you have it, you thinking of me, you ARE my armor.
Over the past years I have had some raging parties for my birthday, I have been next to all my friends, I have blacked out, I have been carried home.  Even then, you were my armor.  This time, I am far away and still feel you being my armor.
I'm, going to ask you for a couple things for my birthday.  You can send me an under 2 minutes video (recorded on your webcam, phone cam, etc) or a few pictures.  Tell me: 1- your name, 2- your location, 3- what freedom means to you 4- what do you know about human trafficking?  DO NOT research either of the subjects, just sent me your candid answers.  This pieces will be edited into a larger piece to raise awareness about human trafficking (DO NOT RESEARCH TILL AFTER YOUR VID!!!)
If you can't do that, here's something else I would love for you to do.  In the past you might have taken me out for dinner, bought me a drink, a present, ect for my birthday.  Here's what I ask you to do on Friday, buy lunch to a homeless person, buy a drink for a stranger at the bar, give, give, give!!! And as you do say "Happy Birthday Pablo!"
It's my birthday, and with your help, I can change the world if I want to.

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