A few years back, while I was in college I earned a living being an interpreter/translator. I loved the job, I got to translate books/documents and my favorite thing: I got to go "on site" to do live interpretations of all kind of things. Worked with some US agencies, doctors, companies, individuals and everything in between. Interpretation is a demanding thing, you don't get time to "switch" languages in your head and then say what you need to say in the required language. You actually have to say what the speaker is saying, in another language at the same time and speed you are hearing it.
One of my favorite assignments was going to a factory where I interpreted whole series of safety and self improvement courses to the non English speaking staff. These were hard working men and women from all over South America, Central America and Mexico. One of the reasons I loved going there was because they were so thankful, kind, and friendly. This courses were 6-8 hours affairs with a couple breaks. Inevitably for each lunch break this lovely ladies would come over with their home made lunch that they would take turns making for me.
On one of the safety courses (and I would interpret those about 5 times back to back so we could reach each group of employees) one of the points the instructor wanted to high light was "the change of paradigm." I knew how important that was and I squeezed my brain thinking of the Spanish equivalent for that expression. However when she said:"we need a new paradigm, not a new pair of dimes" I knew I had lost the battle. There was no way I can make sense of that in Spanish when "dimes" is not a Spanish word and it would just not work.
I did my best to try to convey the joke and the expression, only getting confused looks of people certainly thinking that American humour was humourless and that I sucked as an interpreter. That single episode stayed with me for a long time and it's still with me.
I thought I had forgotten about it, until a while later I was talking to someone about "shifting our paradigm" and even though this person had a perfect command of the English language, the look in her face was the same of all those hard workers. Many times since, when discussing different topics and supporting a change I've gotten the "not a pair of dimes" look from people.
I think it is high time for us to not be afraid of change, to look, really look outside the box and face issues from a different angle. Truth is, we cannot solve problems with the same mentality that created them, we cannot do the same thing over and over expecting different results.
When looking at my life and the world around me and being faced with challenges, things that I feel need to change, I need to stop and "filter" all the "known" ways to go about it and really, really think about a "new"way to go about it.
I'm not going to tell you what to do, because I hardly know what I am doing. What I am going to ask of you is that next time you are faced with a conundrum, don't take the easy way out, don't do right away what you've been told, instead think of a new way to solve an old problem. It will open your mind to new creative ways of thinking and you might surprised yourself with what you come up with. If it helps, do what I do, carry a pair of dimes and when needed, rubbed them together till the light in your head is on.
I believe in you and I am putting my two dimes on that belief.
Harriet, I appreciate it, is it you that have left comments I cannot understand because I don't know the language you posted them in? Either way thank you! Pablo