I don't even know how to put into words the feeling of gratitude, humility and appreciation this week has brought to me. I will try my best to share with all of you.
Three days ago I "launched" what is a grain of sand in the ocean of hope: a small website designed to help others learn, share, empower and help each other to end human trafficking. It is a big endeavor and a huge passion of mine. There are 27 million people living in conditions of slavery around the world (in your community too, chances are) and I have decided to do something about it. It's no use to feel there's nothing that I can possibly do and let things go on. It has taken me a long time to realize what I can do. Through different experiences I realized what I am not. I am not an activist, I am not, nor do I intend to be another non profit organization. What I really want is to help people learn about the issue, find out where they can help, know about all the organizations and brave individuals who are out there, fighting for those that can't. So I know I aspire to be a communicator, a connector between people wanting to do something about this.
I thought I could get a website where there are all the resources for people and also where people can connect, share their stories, etc. I also realized that I have no idea how to make a website, let alone making it nice. I also realized I cannot let that little thing get on the way. So I started and it's up and running! Check it here
The first version of the site was not as clear and organized as it looks now. Here is where gratitude comes in. I posted about the site on FaceBook and Twitter (you can follow me here) and withing three hours I had over a hundred hits. People started messaging me and offering help. Help was needed. The first version of the site was really what you'd expect from a guy that has no idea what he is doing. Then people from Australia, New Zealand, the States, Europe started pitching in. Thanks to their help the site makes more sense. The went in, fixed it and did it in their own time, out of kindness. I woke up the day after I had been telling people to check the site to a pile of emails, pictures, questions and I was blissfully panicked.
Took a minute to be grateful that people are getting it, that they are willing to join me in this adventure.
It is a simple thing, you go to the site, read, get informed, download a logo. Then print it and get creative with it. The whole goal of this is to start a conversation. You can post it in your office and when people ask you tell them about the issue. You can go out to landmarks, places around your town and post it. People will ask and if you are not there, the poster has the site's address so they can find out more.
I am grateful that people are actually willing to do simple little things to learn and share and move towards a higher consciousness where we are aware of this issue as a community and can start making changes.
I thank you, for being part of this new army. We ARE a new army and we are armed with LOVE.
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