I am more than thankful for all the opportunities my parents have given me. I realize now that sometimes, a lot of times, I am too wrapped on myself to show them how much I love them, to speak, watch movies, and say 'I love you' in a language that makes it clear how deeply I feel about that.
Today, a friend draw my attention to this poem. I cried. I realized I've been a selfish brat, in any and all languages. I plan on seeing movies other than action ones, and in a language my mother understand.
Please read below this beautiful and heartbreaking poem by Pat Mora:
My Spanish isn`t good enoughI remember how I`d smile
Listening my little ones
Understanding every word they´d say,
Their jokes, their songs, their plots
Vamos a pedirle dulces a mama. Vamos.
But that was in Mexico.
Now my children go to American High Schools.
They speak English. At night they sit around the
Kitchen table, laugh with one another.
I stand at the stove and feel dumb, alone.
I bought a book to learn English.
My husband frowned, drank more beer.
My oldest said, 'Mama, he doesn´t want you to
Be smarter than he is' I´m forty,
Embarrased at mispronouncing words,
Embarrased at the laughter of my children,
The grocery, the mailman. Sometimes I take
my English book and lock myself in the bathroom,
say the thick words softly, for if I stop trying, I will be deaf
when my children need my help.
Pat Mora