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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Then, I cried.

I need to take a deep breath right now. Today has been one of those emotional days where events keep happening, pulling you and pushing you, adding up to the breaking point where an epiphany happens or where you just break down and cry.  Both happened.
I am the kind of guy that does not wear my heart on my sleeve, it's actually in my hand, ready to be given out.  I believe guys do cry, I allow myself to FEEL, to be moved, to be weak.  I believe it takes a stronger guy to actually cry than to hold back.  I'm not concerned about how that will be read by others. I am only concerned with being true to myself.
I was watching the news, or the bad news as rarely ever there's any positive thing worth a highlight it seems.  Let me bring you up to speed.  Three days ago, in Buenos Aires a woman withdrew 20k from the bank.  As she was getting out of her car at home she got approached by two thieves that took her money and shot her.  She was 9 months pregnant.  She miraculously survived, had a c-section and her child is alive.  Both of them are in ICU. Then thewy showed this footage of this poor neighborhood that has been flooded.  People were already living in bad conditions.  Then I see them carrying their babies and children and one or two bags of belongings with water up to their waist in the freezing winter time.
Later as I checked my email I got one from a friend telling me her friend was unhappy with himself, with who he is, because he is gay.
At this time I think I need to be distracted and decide to see what movie is showing on TV. Ha! Motorcycle Diaries.  Amazing movie. Touching and eye opening. So even I have seen it before, I watch again.  My heart is already cracked.
Then I ran into this article about a child in Malawi, you can read it here and the overload seem evident.
I have learned a simple truth.  When life presents you with a lesson and you don't learn it, it will keep on coming back,  wearing a different pair of pants.  So here I am, with life's lesson in so many different assorted pants.
I get it. I do.  There's injustice, there's suffering, there's ugliness we do to one another, there's ugliness we do to ourselves, there's pain and suffering in this world.  Then, we are breathless and wonder: "now what?"
Right after that question I cried.  I cried for the mother to be being shot and having hers and her child lives hanging on a thread.  I cried for those families flooded, that might or might not have a roof over their heads as I type.  I cried for the kid that can't love himself as he is because he was told by us that gay is bad.  I cried for all those orphans in Malawi that might not have a chance.
But those tears are also tears of thankfulness and gratitude.  I am alive, I am healthy, I have a roof over my head, love in my life and I can do what I want.  You know what? I truly get it, life is telling me: "you are lucky, why don't you give others a hand?"
I can't do it all.  I can't change the world on my own. Or can I?
I think we all can.  If we change our immediate world, imagine the ripple effect and how far that can get?  I can care for others, I can love without conditions, I can look out for those around me, I can feed someone, I can shelter many.
Let's not allow injustice to freeze us, to become a common place we are insensitive to.  Let's raise our voices.  Let's start each day taking notice of all we are given and finally, let's just give a little back.
It's ok if we cry.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Life has my back.

Today I woke up not being myself.  Well, to make it clear, I fully expect every morning to wake up not being myself, not being the one that I was the day before but an improved version of the day before.  I usually wake up, shower, have my coffee and get on with the day, full of hope and things to do and discover.
Today was different, woke up, started the day as usual but feeling out of sync.  Does that ever happen to you? You start your day and you just don't seem to "catch on."  I am not talking about things to be done but about the distinct feeling that you are "out of it."
This soon turned into a feeling of anxiety and discomfort and me trying to find a reason for it and something to do to be "grounded" again.
I realized that even not being aware I have been stressed about my impending return to the US.  Granted I am not climbing on a plane tomorrow but somehow I have been on an off wondering many things.  What am I going to do when I head back? Will I be able to continue moving forward and concentrating on the things that I know are important? Will I keep on working on myself?  Thing is that being in different countries, without a lot of pressure, spending time on my inner self, caring for things that are important to me seems easier than doing it back home while waiting at a Starbucks line for my dirty chai.
I realize that all the lessons I have been learning over the past year need to be very present in my life regardless of where I am.  I cannot say I can be a better person when removed from my own life or on a different area code.  The real challenge is to be better, each day, while being present and living life one day at the time.
Just as I was pondering this and not feeling too great about it my phone rang.  One of my best friends with whom I hadn't talked to in a couple months calls me out of the blue.  He is a very intuitive guy and one of the few people that has a natural gift to mellow me out, put things in perspective and inspire me.
I told him all my concerns about my return, all the thoughts I had.  I went outside and sat on the grass while the sun warmed me up and my friend warmed my heart.  We talked for a while.  At the end of my conversation all my anxiety was gone.  I was again grounded and I am looking forward to the future while firmly grounded in the present.
I am so grateful that life has a way to watch over me, to send me the right messages at the needed time if I am willing to listen.
I love my friends, the messengers of love, hope, joy and all things good that life sends my way.
I am happy.  I am light, I am love, I am joy.
I wish you the same.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What's missing?

It has been an interesting last couple weeks.  I have an uncle who is over 70 and due to some long, complicated health issues had to have one of his legs amputated.  It was a long process that came to that less than pleasant end.  There was a lot that he cold have done, things that could have been changed, things that could have been different.  Regardless, what was done or not done happened and he has only one leg left.
He was telling me that one of the hardest things now is that he experiences a lot of pain, waves of pain.  On the leg that is no longer there.  He also gets itches on that leg and clearly there's nothing that can be done about this, since the leg is no longer there.  Apparently, its something that happens normally when people get a limb amputated.  They go for a log time after the surgery with the sensation that the limb is still there and that it hurts, itches, etc.
This got me thinking of other situations in our lives.  It actually got me thinking about relationships that we are in, relationships that could have been one way or another, that could have gone in a different direction.  However, then the relationship ends and for months we are left hurting/itching over something that is no longer there.
I think there is a healthy time period of mourning for a relationship, what ever kind of relationship that is.  I also think at some point we need to let go, don't give in the "phantom pain or itch" and move on.  When something is no longer there, we need to let it go.  Apparently, even when it is gone, we can be attached to it.
Like my uncle, looking at his missing leg,still feeling it it, sometimes we look at the empty space a relationship used to occupy and still feel it there.
It's going to take a lot of courage for my uncle to keep moving forward, to learn to live with what is no longer there, to learn to be independent again.  I invite you to join me, like him, let's look at what is no longer there, let's take a deep breath and re-learn to heal, to move forward, to let go of what is obviously already gone.
Thank you,

這引起了我的思想,在我們生活中的其他情況。它實際上是讓我思考的關係,我們正處在關係,可能是這種或那種方式,這本來可以在不同的方向。然而,當時的關係結束,剩下的幾個月中,我們傷害 /瘙癢多的東西不再存在。


Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Cup of LIFE

Oh, there's so much we need to talk about.  Granted, I've been MIA due to the World Cup. It is not just about the sport, its about life and life lessons learned on the field.  That is what totally sucks me in this tournament.  To see countries that have historical, political beef face off in a field and be civil to each other, gives me hope.
Also, like in life, logic does not apply, teams move forward based on preparation, chance, luck and sheer heart.
This world cup many of the favorites were out, Italy (reigning World Champion), France, Argentina, Brasil, England. Many teams that were the underdogs made it far.
I find a common denominator in life and the world cup = HEART, BEING IN THE MOMENT & VISUALIZING DREAMS AS REALITY.
Oscar Tabarez, the coach for the Uruguay team was asked what he thought about being in the finals. He said he could not think that far, he and his team were HERE & NOW (present) and they were consumed into winning in the here and now.  He said, once we are over this, then we will think of the next game.  I wish we could all face life that way. It's not about being in the future, its about being in the here and now.
In Uruguay's game yesterday, seconds from the game ending, Luis Suarez stopped a goal against his team with his hand, knowingly getting a red card and a penalty for Ghana. His other option was to let the goal happen and Ghana would win. The penalty didn't score and Uruguay got a chance at penalty kicks and hence won and got a ticket to the semifinals.  Sometimes in life we need to sacrifice for the bigger goal.  And it has to be decided in seconds.
Uruguay was the host of the first world cup ever.  And they won. In 1950 they were finalists in Brasil, which was the host country.  Against all odds they won.
None of that impresses me as much as the fact that Uruguay has always done what it does with respect, low profile and no ego.  It has done it getting strength from where no one ever thought there was any strength left. It has quietly gone forward.
I want to be like the Uruguay team. They were the one before last team to qualify to the world cup. They quietly made it to one fo the 4 BEST teams in the world. They were classy and respectful all along.
If they make it to the finals, I will ask for pointers on how to be GREAT and HUMBLE.